So pretty much over the last few days I've just been trying to figure out the city on my own a little bit and get accustomed to the time change before class begins. New Years Eve was a lot of fun, as I hung out with a Lithuanian in the dorms named Gerard and a lot of his friends, who were first year and second year students from the school. We went to a few flat parties and at midnight went to the main park in the city to celebrate with everyone else who was out and to watch fireworks that were lit off.
Over the past few days, I have had some problems with the buses but nothing major. Today, I had a meeting at the school where I met Evita (the exchange advisor) and Diana (one of the program heads). It was a very helpful orientation, and it seems that class may be a lot different than what I am used to. For example, I will have class each morning from 9:15-11:00 Monday through Friday. During the rest of the day, I must work in a pair with one other student (which was done by random assignment) and finish an assignment before the end of the day. The school has a good reputation as being challenging and I could see that as there were already a few students at the school today preparing for class that starts tomorrow.
During the orientation, I had the chance to meet a few other exchange students from Germany, Lithuania, Sweden, and Kyrgyzstan (of which about half live in the dorm). As a group, we went to eat at a chain buffet that can be found around Riga known as "Lido." Here we ate typical Latvian food, of which I had some type of potatoes and a smoked chicken shish kebab. We then finished the night and came back to the dorms. I'll be in bed early tonight so I can be up early tomorrow for class. I'm sure I will have a lot more to report then.
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